Challenge, Gen 3, Generation, Sims 4, Sunnyside Valley Prosperity

Round 14, Family 2- Monroe

I enjoy exersize

Dad gets promoted

I do some cooking

Mum gets promoted

I propose to Christy and we get married in the kitchen

She also loves exersize

I get promoted

I am going to be a dad

Christy visits the gym in town

I found a new music genre I like

I got another promotion

Dad loves dancing

Christy does some house repairs

Family water balloon fight

My son Camren is born

My wife enjoys jogging

Dad is now an elder

Dad retires and now spends lots of time in the kitchen

He is soon an angelic toddler

I started potty training

Camren enjoys blocks play

Challenge, Gen 3, Generation, Sims 4, Sunnyside Valley Prosperity

Round 13, Family 31- Yoshida 2

I got a job as a Gardener

I socialized with Chesnut

I planted some seeds

Inside too, I did some gardening

I took care of the cow

and the chickens

I love gardening

I took Chesnut to the Vets

I did some gardening

I milked the cow

I met a Rabbit

I went out dancing with my sister and some friends

I got promoted

I taught Chesnut.

Challenge, Gen 3, Generation, Sims 4, Sunnyside Valley Prosperity

Round 13, Family 30- Barbosa 2

Hi, we moved to this lovely home in evergreen harbor

My wife was soon pregnant with our first child.

I worked on my drink making skills

My wife loves to cook

My wife also got promoted

She loves to swim

I love video games

I was soon promoted too

Our daughter Kari was born

I played some video games

My wife loves to dance

I got another promotion

Kari has become quite the handful now

Kathy won the potty training battle

Kari loves playing with toys

and creating with blocks

Kathy got promoted

Challenge, Gen 3, Generation, Sims 4, Sunnyside Valley Prosperity

Round 13, Family 29- Forest 3

I got a job

I go around the different neighbourhoods and met some new sims

I try all types of interesting foods

I meet some more people

I did some Karaoke

I love singing

I did some blogging

I worked on my singing skill

I got promoted and decided that Blogging is the way to go

I went to the Humor and Hijinks festival with dad. I did some singing, watched some comedians, set off some fireworks and tasted some new foods.

Video games are a great way to relax

I also met a Great sim called Briella and we enjoy chatting